STLSPEX vs. Brain Cloud Comics
On Saturday, August 17th, the ST. LOUIS SMALL PRESS EXPO 2019 will be taking place from 10am to 5pm at the St. Louis Public Library, Central Library at 1301 Olive Street in downtown St. Louis MO.
Brain Cloud Comics was recently interviewed by the fine folks at STL SPEX. Here’s an excerpt from the discussion.
STLSPEX: Can you give us a description of the kind of work that goes into creating an anthology?
Carlos Gabriel Ruiz: Putting together an anthology is a Herculean task that is best left to the naive or masochists among us. My newest book SHORTS + LOSSES is a collection of the best short stories I’ve done in the last 10 years. Tracking down some of the older stories proved difficult because those files were spread out all over various defunct computers, Google Drives, and on random DVD backups. A few of the stories had to be re-lettered, while a few older ones required labor-intensive color corrections in order to get them production-ready. Then I had to grab pull-quotes, track down biographies, write back-matter essays about each of the stories, get everything edited, and then design the whole package. It was a long, sleepless, three-month process! I couldn’t be prouder of the results — a 200 page, full-color trade that serves as a love letter to all of my favorite genres, a showcase of my favorite collaborators, and represents a complete body of my work.
Check out the entire interview here: